

By Katherine Ryan on January 1, 2017

So…  my regular readers may think this blog is a re-hash of January 2015’s  And it is in a way, and in another way it isn’t.  And, hey, “Resolutions” is tossed around by many people this time of year.  The start of a New Year is a natural time to re-assess and set goals, as is your birthday, and also, for me, the Celtic New Year.  Last year the blog was about replacing “Resolutions” with “Commitments”, this year we are going to take another step away from resolutions and find ourselves at “Agreements”.

Some of you may be familiar with the work of Don Miguel Ruiz and his well-known Four Agreements: “Be impeccable with your word” “Don’t take anything personally”  “Don’t make assumptions” & “Always do your best”.  Those are great examples of agreements, obviously, that’s why they are well-know…

Oxford Dictionary defines “agreement as “harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling; a position or result of agreeing”  And, although I like that the work “harmony” is included in the definition maybe we can break it down. Maybe we can also define agreements as an acknowledgement of what is important to you and reflects your hopes and values.  Hmmm, are you thinking “Um, Katherine an agreement is between two people, I just asked Google.”  Yes, that is accurate, I asked Google as well.  So, in our customized breakdown, slightly altered definition perhaps the two “people” could be you and your heart/mind/spirit/soul.

As an example my 2017 agreements include:  I agree I will get up between 6-8 AM 6 out of 7 mornings, unless I am sick.  I agree that I will make taking care of myself a priority this year by….  I agree to be clear about others commitment to a joint task/project/social plans before making a commitment.  I agree I will live more in the gap. (this makes sense only if you have read “Daring Greatly”) and those are followed by a few more…   What do you think?  Willing to give it a try?  Go ahead, give it a shot, I’ve got your back.

In 2017 I wish that all of your hopes and needs are met.  I wish for peace in your heart at all times, more smiles than frowns and to remember that tears are a sign of love in your heart.

KMR07. re-size 3 07.14 D  ~Katherine Ryan, LMHC, “Soul Stitcher”.  Katherine’s practice, Harmony Counseling, is in Topsfield, Massachusetts.  She enjoys helping adults, children and teens become unstuck through psychotherapy and family mediation.   Katherine also offers training & consulting to organizations as well as equine assisted team building opportunities.

109~Nina is a two year old Standard Poodle and often accompanies Katherine to work and most other places.




239 Boston Street, Topsfield, MA 01983
