Psychotherapy Frequently Asked Questions
How long does therapy take?
Together, you and your counselor will collaborate on your goals and decide on realistic target dates for achieving your goals. Typically the minimum length is 3 months. When one is seeking a transformative change it takes time to learn new skills and have the new skills and habits firmly ingrained in one’s life.
What ages do you see?
Harmony Counseling works with children, adolescents, families and adults.
What is your specialty?
Harmony Counseling specializes in helping people get un-stuck. Often people can get stuck in unhealthy relationships, patterns of communicating or behaving. Sometimes depression and anxiety can take hold. We help people break free and move into a healthier life.
May I use my insurance?
Yes, Harmony Counseling maintains a contractual agreement with many of the major insurance companies. Please contact your insurance company to verify your coverage and obtain information on your benefits. We do not guarantee payment by your insurance company and it is important that you know you are financially responsible for all charges incurred.
May I use my Health Reimbursement or Flexible Spending Account?
These plans vary. You may submit to them for reimbursement.
Can I access paperwork online?
Yes, once you have made the decision to proceed and have made an appointment, you will be provided with a Username, Password and Patient Portal address. There are a few forms which will need to be completed prior to your initial appointment. You can use the Patient Portal to review your appointments and self-schedule among other convenient features.
My spouse and I are divorcing (or are divorced) – when working with our child, how do you approach that situation?
Divorces are unique, and the best way to answer this question is to talk to you over the phone directly at 978-561-1924.
When are you available to see people?
Harmony Counseling strives to offer flexible scheduling including early mornings, evenings, and weekends.
What are my payment options?
Many people choose to pay privately for their psychotherapy. This option allows for the maximum confidentiality, freedom and choice in determining the best treatment options and length of treatment. Additionally, clients may transition to paying privately for their therapy when their insurance benefits are exhausted. Please feel free to ask about the risks and benefits of paying privately and of using insurance benefits for mental health treatment.
Pro-bono and/or sliding-fee clients may be accepted depending on appointment availability.
Payment (co-pay or full fee) is expected at the time of service unless alternate payment arrangements have been made in advance of the appointment. Check, Cash, MasterCard and Visa are accepted forms of payment although cash or check is the preferred method.