

By Katherine Ryan on March 22, 2017

Fly High and Free of Fear ~ photo by John NineTwentyFive & used with permission

Fly High and Free of Fear ~ photo by John NineTwentyFive & used with permission



Hello!  Thank you so much for participating in the survey for 2015-2016.  I appreciate and value your feedback.  I strive to provide you with a valuable therapeutic experience and also to create a warm, welcoming environment.  Nina may not be aware of the “warm, welcoming environment” desire but, I believe, and it seems like you do too, that she adds her own value to your experience.

So, here are the results:

How did you hear about Harmony Counseling?

  • Web Search – 38%
  • Good Therapy – .08%
  • Another Professional – 23%
  • Psychology Today – .08%
  • Family Member or Friend – 23%

As a client or the parent/guardian of a client, did you feel respected & understood?

  • Yes – 100%

Did you feel that your confidentiality was valued?

  • Yes – 100%

Have you made changes in your life as a result of counseling with Katherine?

  • Yes – 92%
  • Some – .07%
  • No –  0%

What was the best part of counseling? (partial results, shared with permission)

  • Feeling safe in session to dig deep.
  • Starting to make peace with myself, realizing that what I feel won’t change but how I react can.
  • Feeling understood.
  • I love just being able to talk to Katherine and not fear judgment. She’s always open and approaches everything with a positive attitude.
  • Hearing my daughter talk about how she needs Katherine’s help and seeing her confidence grow.
  • There was nothing that stood out as better than anything else. I suppose the kind, open minded perspective as well as the empathy and real life examples were most helpful. I established a rapport and high level of trust in the careful consideration of my feelings and honest feedback I received from Katherine.
  • The best part of counseling for me was realizing how to be myself again. I always felt that Katherine always had my best interest at heart even if it the truth was hard to hear sometimes. With her amazing and loving help, I became a stronger woman. I am forever grateful for her compassion and willing to help.
  • Feeling safe to discuss anything.
  • Katherine is very understanding and provides great feedback/advice. She really has made me look outside of the box to figure out why I am struggling with certain problems.
  • Needed support during a difficult time. Reassuring to know there is a counselor that I am comfortable talking with.

What should I keep doing? (partial results, shared with permission)

  • Listening, offering advice, suggestions
  • Keep being supportive, flexible, kind, reliable, and just a little bit stern.
  • Meditating.
  • You should just keep being you. I’ve been to a lot of therapists before. A couple that I really liked, but I never felt the same connection as I do with you.
  • Homework, games while gaining trust, making my daughter open up.
  • Everything you do!
  • Everyday, I always make time for some exercises that Katherine taught me. Breathing techniques for anxiety have helped me so much.
  • Lots of feedback and guidance
  • You seem like a down to earth person. You are not intimidating.

What can I do to improve your counseling experience? (partial results, shared with permission)

  • My counseling goes great! I love going, and I know I can always speak what’s on my mind. Nothing comes to mind when I think about improving my experience. (Maybe if your dog would let me pet her)
  • Just keep parents advised of progress and/or concerns.
  • I was quite pleased with what you did to help me.
  • My counseling experience with Harmony Counseling was perfect for me. I cannot think of anything different that would have helped me more.
  • Some may not like this idea, but having a clock visible so that you know how much time has passed or is remaining.

If you discontinued counseling before you met your counseling goals, what could I have done differently to help you meet those goals?

.15% people advised they had discontinued before meeting all goals; because they had moved out of state.

Anything else to add or you think I should know? (partial results, shared with permission)

  • I really appreciate having Nina (your dog–I think I remembered her name correctly?) around. Dogs are a cheerful, comforting presence.
  • So grateful for your referral for horse leasing
  • I know your sessions as based on what the client tells you but please keep an open mind about what the client is not telling you as well.
  • All is still good in my life thanks to the tools you helped me use.

So…. It seems as though I am on the right track.  I will share my thoughts about having or not having a clock in a future blog as well as balancing parents’ need for information and minor’s right to confidentiality and, I agree, there is room for improvement in sharing progress.

 KMR07. re-size 3 07.14 D ~Katherine Ryan, LMHC, “Soul Stitcher”.  Katherine’s practice, Harmony Counseling, is in Topsfield, Massachusetts.  She enjoys helping adults, children and teens become unstuck through psychotherapy and family mediation.   Katherine also offers training & consulting to organizations as well as equine assisted team building opportunities.

109~Nina is a two year old Standard Poodle and often accompanies Katherine to work and other places.


239 Boston Street, Topsfield, MA 01983
